That’s one of the reasons AnCaps believe in voluntary communities, that way those who didn’t advise but whatever the community’s rules are they can a) be punished based on the rules of the given community, or expelled.
I disagree. Voluntary communities are made up of volunteers. There is nothing coercive about it. Voluntary communities provide a way for like-minded people to live in harmony. If your beliefs do not match the beliefs of a voluntary community, you are free to to argue that your beliefs should be included, leave the community, or start a new one and include anyone who believes the same things you do.
Granted within current systems you can do the first, but you are completely unable to do either the second or third.
I live in the USA. But I did not volunteer to live in the USA. I certainly may be able to move to a different country, but I certainly won’t be able to find a country with the same beliefs as I have. (The States with our Constitution and Bill of Rights is likely the closest to my beliefs).
No one is preventing you from leaving the USA. Most countries are just making it difficult to enter. I’m all for having more open borders, but that’s probably not what you’re arguing for.
No one is preventing you from starting your own community either. There just isn’t any land remaining that isn’t already owned.
And the “punished based on the rules of the given community, or expelled” thing is describing a government, although because of the aforementioned lack of unowned land, they only expel immigrants nowadays.