She’s always been lib, sadly. I still love her content tho! But her political takes are def a little ehh
Can you elaborate? Love her content, wonder if I’m missing anything about her I’m not aware of.
Some internet leftists are anti-jokes and our greatest insult is to call someone a liberal.
our greatest insult is to call someone a liberal
What do you mean by this?
In the US, we use liberal to describe a person who is left of center on the political spectrum, who is not a socialist. And we use conservative or neo-liberal to describe someone right of center.
Is the goal to make fun of people left of center or to make fun of people right of center? I honestly cannot tell from the above conversation. This may simply be regional based confusion on my part.
Yeah, basically she has in the past talked about how she admires leftists and I don’t think she isn’t one, but that she thinks leftist ideas come from envy of people who are more fortunate, and that leftist ideas are bad cuz they’re ant-consumer. Admittedly tho its been a long time since I remember her talking about politics and my memory isnt the best but those are things I think I remember… Try the ‘envy’ video
This is just pitting trans people against each other for no reason. PT were less theatrical before they came out, but acting like a theater kid in your video editing choices isn’t exclusive to any one YouTuber.
contra’s godawful takes on NB people / gender in general + her tendency to triple down when criticized really soured me on her content. it took all the fun out of the theater for me.