NFL fan friends - is this typical game attire?
Hell no lol only the WAGS (wife and girlfriends of sports stars) dress like that and she ain’t no WAG. Her man ain’t even got a job lol
It’s such a weird choice! I would never wear a white pleated skirt to any sporting event! The thing is going to get destroyed!
Maybe if you’re Taylor Swift 😂
I go to sporting events and have never seen ANYONE dressed like this. Most women wear a shirt of the team (or just a regular old shirt from home) or jersey and yoga pants or jeans. I legit never see anyone at a game in skirts or dresses and thigh high boots 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Also she really has the skinny filter going there
I always wonder what Shane sees when she’s filming them or taking pics. Maybe he just ignores it idk. But it’s sooo obvious.
I’m shocked he put on new clothes and shoes 👏 It’s a miracle. Are the shoes freebies from Reebok?? Also is this how other men are wearing their jeans nowadays? Too long and excessively rolled up?
Right, when have you ever seen Mr. Punk rock himself ever look like this 🤣🤣🤣 I feel like this is everything he was once against.
Sarah bought all those things and packed them for him. He didn’t even try them on before they left! She didn’t even bother to order the right length - there is no way any of the men in my life would wear their jeans cuffed like that!
He’s dressed for cold and she’s dressed for whatever lol
I love when she kept asking him if he’s excited and he never answered yes. She’s really forcing this on him.
She brought her Sunglass for the nighttime game! Will she take the badly formed hat off so she can wear them of her head after the sun goes down??
64 degrees. I hope she’s cold. By the sounds of the boot choice she’s going to end up with black toes again 😏
Speaking of black toes……She should be getting those virtual RUN Disney medals 🏅 sent to her that she earned WALKING around on her Disney vacation any day now.
Also, all this gifted merch she’s been handed and she’s chooses to wear a shirt she cut up to her first game like??? Make it make sense. She doesn’t deserve anything she gets
It was her “I’m wearing black and white because that’s what the team is wearing” that got me laughing. She want to be part of something soooooo badly.