Sure is funny how she’s shared ZERO content of actual Brazil. I know it’s likely for safety reasons but she hasn’t shared that whatsoever, I feel like she’s embarrassed and doesn’t want to actually discuss why they’ve done no exploring when she could discuss it and actually look like she knows something about her surroundings. Like yesterday when she said “oh we’re just taking the time to actually chill for once”, but I feel like they were forced to “chill” because they were just holed up in the hotel with no choice.
The whole thing is pretty embarrassing honestly. I can’t believe nfl canada wasted money to send her to Brazil just so she could film multiple half naked videos in her hotel room. What a waste.
I’m curious to see if she is going to have the audacity to say how wonderful it is there without actually experiencing it.
From her post it actually sounds like the NFL thought Sarah and Shane were worthy of this trip as a gift. Unbelievable.
Off to explore but she posts no pics? I call bs - they stayed at the hotel
Her whole “we never chill” I’m sorry what??🤣 all they do is sit around watch movies, play video games, or browse stores and open packages
The lifetime Shane content quota has been met ✅ I guess he volunteered as tribute to be “content” for this “opportunity”. I find him no more endearing, compelling, interesting or anyone I would ever want to be left alone in conversation with. I do not like his vibe one bit, no thank you!
It’s also just a REALLY bad look imo after all the discussion about carbon emissions and its impact on the planet. She should have stayed home and the NFL shouldn’t have flown people to Brazil unnecessarily.
Agreed!!! There was honestly NO need to send her to brazil for this game. It’s not like she was some special correspondent sharing game day experiences or interviews with the players etc. They legit flew her there to sit in a hotel and film videos of dumb outfits and eating banana snacks. Honestly such a waste all around.
Also agree! She shouldn’t have accepted this hosted opportunity and the NFL needs to do better.