I’m tired about reading about reddit here.
We left. Let’s move on.
Yeah, the bitching about people bitching about Reddit is far more annoying than just the bitching about Reddit.
It reminds me of the occasional times where a corporate email would be sent out improperly to “all” in our company. A few people would reply all: “take me off this list”. Then someone would reply all to those guys: “don’t reply all”. Then other people would reply all:“you are spamming the whole company!”, etc.
It would take an hour or so to die off, but It was kind of amusing to see people react to the chaos. I assume the bitching about Reddit will die off naturally.
Opening up a new subreddit in the past few years had like a 50% chance of having 4 out of the top 10 posts people obnoxiously whining about X: “Please can we stop posting about X”,“Will the mods please start removing X posts?”, “If something doesn’t change soon, I’m going to start a new subreddit and the first rule will be ‘No X’”.
Meanwhile there are zero posts about X in sight.