Mine is Local Send which is a FOSS alternative similar to air drop that works across a variety of devices.
Mine is kdeconnect which does what local send does plus so much more.
- using phone to control laptop
- getting phone notifications send to your pc
- can browse phone’s storage directly from pc
- find my phone function
Kde connect is great, iv always thought about using it but never got round to it as im current using a wm instead of a desktop environment. If i was to switch to a desktop environment kde would be my first choice as it has so many features.
I’ve had issues with it for file sharing, so far that I’m sticking to LocalSend, but I really need to explore KDEConnect further, as I haven’t explored the rest of its features.
Wait kdeconnect is Foss?! Can I fix the atrocious gui myself?!? 😂
That application rules but it looks like butt on my workstation.
I’m sure they’d welcome a pull improving the UX! https://invent.kde.org/network/kdeconnect-kde I think the implementation of the protocol is pretty well isolated from the UI, so pretty radical UI changes should be relatively easy