On this day 10 years ago, Microsoft acquired #Minecraft developer Mojang for US$2.5 billion.

In a blog post announcing the purchase, Owen Jones wrote: “Everything is going to be OK. <3”

Ten years later, Mojang now has been part of Microsoft almost twice as long as it has been independent.

It’s interesting to look back at the original announcement video from Xbox as well:


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3 points

Yeah, that is bedrock edition, and it’s crazy how poorly it runs on the Switch natively. It has just gotten progressively worse as we go along. Each update comes with a new batch of shit that doesn’t work. For instance, you used to be able to drop out of the game and go to your screenshots on the Switch, then pop back into the game. If you do that now, it immediately disconnects you from the realm or any network connected instance when you pop out of the game. I have disconnected from a lot of games by accidentally hitting the wrong button when I meant to just take a screenshot. It didn’t do that in the past, but they fucked it up one update and have just never bothered to fix it. And they obviously aren’t doing any kind of thorough testing as that would have come up. They just ignore their Jira ticketing system.

The version I prefer isn’t available anymore, and the only way you can play it is if you had it originally as it has been removed from the store. If your account doesn’t have the Switch edition, you are out of luck because they insisted that bedrock had to be the only one available, so Switch Edition had development halted and then eventually wiped from the store. Sucks, because that version was so much better as far as performance and gameplay goes.

1 point

I’ve played Minecraft on a ton of devices, phones, tablets, Switch, Steam Deck, Mac, PC. I think my best experience is Java on Steam Deck.




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