It’s not exactly “fighting back” when they’re not fighting you now, and won’t be fighting you in the future when you make use of your list.
but they are making lists. turnabout is fair play.
look, you’ve already made it abundantly clear that you are a weak pacifist, so i doubt you’re going to make a point that has any influence over the way i think. that’s why i mentioned that there’s no point to us debating any of this. if our values don’t align, you’ll just be appealing to virtues that have no merit in my value system. do you understand what i’m saying?
but they are making lists. turnabout is fair play.
Are the people you are putting on your list the ones making lists?
I agree that anyone who is actively making a list of people they disagree with politically, with the obvious threat of punishing those people in the future, should themselves be made public and their attempts at terrorism brought to light. This also includes you.
How is your list being vetted? What prevents someone from adding you to the MAGAt list?
look, you’ve already made it abundantly clear that you are a weak pacifist
Right, I’m so weak that I don’t go away when you try to push me…
so i doubt you’re going to make a point that has any influence over the way i think.
You’re not having a private conversation here that I’m intruding on. You are posting publicly trying to sway other people’s opinions, so I am going to reply pointing out how horrendous what you’re arguing for is. I’m not trying to convince you, I’m providing a different argument to the people you are trying to convince.
If you want to try to defend your argument you are welcome to do so. If you want to live in an echo chamber of only people who agree with you, you are free to block me. Just be aware that I will still be pointing out the glaring flaws in arguments after you do.
but they are making lists. turnabout is fair play.
Who exactly is they? You sure everyone in that list has a list in return? Or are you just throwing them all together because you’re incapable of seeing shades of grey?
no merit in my value system
Yeah, because your value system aligns more with MAGAts than with us
Yeah, because your value system aligns more with MAGAts than with us
no. my METHODS align more with them. my values are completely different. conservatives are the enemy. me thinks you enjoy virtue signaling more than effectively dismantling the current systems that produce suffering.