Yeah I’m getting real sick of that. They should be paying out - and holding big polluters responsible. Their entire industry is failing because of another industry. We should be seeing Geico suing Shell.
God created the universe(unless im missing a religion where gods didnt create the universe), which lead to humans, which lead global warming
God is basically as responsible for global warming as humans are if you ignore everything between “the universe is created” and “global warming”
Also, missed opportunity for an oil company to name themselves “God”
Going by that argument though, then EVERYTHING is an indirect act of God.
Bullet wound? Clearly it was God’s will, for ordering the universe in such a way that an individual was armed at that point in time to cause you harm.
Cancer? God willed the carcinoma onto your skin.
Maybe it’s just Argumentum ad absurdum, but insurance companies are basically arguing against their own existence.