The shorts thing is on you buddy. Never had any of that and it’s 100% of shorts by people I watch, or of people that are similar to who I watch.
If you’ve followed the YT news you’d know this isn’t true. They literally advertise sex to kids in the ads. I watch a bunch of travel people, animal and history programs, and woodworking/handyman stuff. Never once clicked on a short cause they don’t cast. Every day they put up some Korean cheerleader or other bullshit I don’t give 2 shits about. YT algorithm is manipulative as fuck and sucks now. I get most of my vid referrals from outside sites.
The shorts algorithm is really weird I find. The ones it advertises are usually essentially thinly veiled smut (whereas most videos I watch are tech/science/aviation stuff). But (and I think this is important), if I start watching shorts, most of them are normal type shorts in line with what I’d want to watch. So it feels like it puts some stuff up it thinks will grab your attention but doesn’t push it once you’re watching. I’m sure there’s a good reason for it. But, just comes across as weird to me.
I don’t get right wing stuff in shorts, but I do sometimes get it in the main videos suggested. How I think it happens is, I watch some videos about computer games, or perhaps a video on a games/science topic which is made by a channel that either also has right wing content OR their viewers also watch such stuff. So it figures, well if they viewed video A, and viewers that watched video A also watched video B, let’s push video B to that user too. The algorithm doesn’t really understand left or right wing, just pattern matching from views and other metrics.
I find if you start telling youtube that you don’t want to see them, they will go away, at least for a while.
If you click on something the algorithm goes hard on that content from then on. I clicked on a skateboarding short (which I usually have no interest in) and now half my feed is skateboarding, constantly.
One misclick, one hate watch, is all it takes.
Yeah, you sometimes need to curate your videos with the “dont recommend channel” or “dont like the video” or whatever its name is. It tends to happen when I go down a rabbithole - last time I got recommended stupid supra memes from some Turkish guy and watched a couple in a day. Next day, my entire feed is “IS THAT A SUPRA?!!” memes. A couple of clicks later and it’s back to what it was
I have been ”Don’t Recommend”-ing the generated “SuperPanavision” videos since they started earlier this year; blocking channels, “show less like this” everything. The problem is that this stuff is being pumped out constantly on so many channels that it is impossible to block them all.
So what you’re saying is you trust YouTube to do it right? With shorts? I got bombarded with bullshit in shorts, the 50 times they got it in front of my eyes somehow, I never watched any of that in my normal yt rounds. That algorithm is made to brainwash, not to serve you what you want.
I don’t need to “trust” anything other than my eyes. I watch shorts often and never get anything close to “brainwashing” content and it is always tailored to what I watch. I don’t know what your goal is with this comment - are you trying to convince me that that isn’t the case?
My goal is to inform you that your N=1 is unrepresentative, I came in to say: “shorts algorithm suggestions were completely out of wack to my YouTube account(too!)” so now we have at least n=3, and if we can trust each other to say the truth, your ‘its a you problem’ is false. That’s important, because you accused someone of having certain interests, based on their experiences with that algorithm. I think that’s pulling the gun and putting too much ‘trust’ in a commercial YT algorithm, that worked for some (you I guess) but not for all.