Credit Andy Singer 2024
I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone arguing for that. Even the people wanting to get rid of the state of Israel aren’t usually wanting to remove the people. Prior to Israel forming, Jews and Muslims lived together in relative peace and harmony. They still do in many places.
The issue comes when one group is told that the land belongs to them specifically, or that the other group is inferior or evil. I don’t think removing Israel is a solution at this point, but it does need to fundamentally change. I don’t see a possibility for an ethno-state to not create these ideas. It needs to just become a state, not a state for jews specifically.
It’s impossible to remove the state of Israel without evicting / killing it’s Jewish population. They are surrounded by entire states that base their culture on wanting to kill as many Jews as possible. What do you think would happen if the entire land suddenly became Palestine and they weren’t permitted to protect themselves anymore?
I remember discussion on making Jerusalem an international zone. I think this would have been better done, even if it results in an immovable ladder. Jerusalem is actually quite interesting for a lot of things like this, like how the keys for the church containing Jesus’ empty tomb is held by a Muslim family, or how the Temple Mount is a place of significance for all three of the religions.