It’s because they identify 100% with the party but don’t want the negative flack it rightfully deserves, so they pretend to be centrist.
This has actually been studied
Anti-Authoritarians and Moderates view it as best to be seen as Anti-Authoritarians, Authoritarians view it best to be seen as Moderates.
They literally view opportunistic claiming of the center not just as a political tool but as a social survival tactic to not be ostracized for their bullshit.
Drag would like to have a link to a study so drag can cite it in the future
It used to be libertarians that did this shit. Too afraid to commit to the bit, but still want to appear as if they’re the good guys.
yeah… Here in Australia, they were also the only political party around who never removed their shitty signage after the election (and they legally have to). I’m surprised the Election council didn’t do it for them and send them the bill. I think the problem with those wankers is that they constantly try to get away with dodgy actions, and they end up being successful so many times, that they just keep doing it