I really hate whenever I try to explain how some bad rules can be abused and immediatelly get someone say shit like “If this happens in your group, change it” as if that would solve the problem. And whenever it is not soemthing you witnessed personally, then it means it never happens and could never happen.
I think you’ve conflated part of those rules - there’s nothing in the medicine skill saying you can only do it once per wound, just first aid. So you can deal/restore 1 damage in between medicine checks, but that’s not what let’s you keep making medicine checks.
A character is limited to one successful treatment of both First Aid and Medicine until further damage is taken.
Pg. 65, under first aid.
So it is, I’d been looking at the damage and healing rules on 120. I’m sure that’s going to be fun to bring up at the table…
Still, I don’t think that’s as egregious as something like pun-pun or sorlocks short resting to regain spells. There are exploits in other systems, but not at the level or frequency of D&D.
yeah, unfortunately the CoC rules have always been kind of a mess. it still has a lot of that early RPG “stream of consciousness” aspect to it.
But yeah, at the end of the day, the number of rules you have is far more relevant to how many “exploits” there are, so CoC/VtM being less “crunchy” will result in less exploits.