I don’t like the clickbait title at all – Mastodon’s clearly going to survive, at least for the forseeable future, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it outlives Xitter.
Still, Mastodon is struggling; most of the people who checkd it out in the November 2022 surge (or the smaller June 2023 surge) didn’t stick around, and numbers have been steadily declining for the last year. The author makes some good points, and some of the comments are excellent.
Federation is not something familiar or comfortable for an average normal person
In the imaginary world where Gmail required you to visit Outlook to view the entire thread because it hadn’t synced yet, yeah sure they’re exactly the same. In the real world the email comparison stops being useful beyond explaining how @ monikers work.
@ben_dover @chottomatte@lemdro.id
dare i say it: like the internet at its birth, a space for those who don’t fit the social norms of face-to-face society to socialize on their own terms?
#iNeverCaredForTheMarketingOfTheInternetToThoseWhoOtherwiseHaveNoUseForAText-OnlyOrSpeech-OnlyOrOtherwiseClassicallyImpersonalCommunicationMethods #it’SMadeParticipatingOnlineARequirementAsOpposedToMerelyAViableOptionImo