I’m not sure about the down votes. But I agree it’s just gotten worse for specific tasks. I’ve only had it shut down a task once and it was me trying to get it to do something stupid.
Work related tasks I do enjoy using it.
“I’m not sure about the downvotes” sigh, how many times do we have to see this stupid refrain
imagine reflecting on feedback. or do promptfans need mirror-finished text inputs to pretend to do that thinking for them too?
Fucking what? Either be clear about your distain or fuck off? Grow a spine.
You’re communication style will be replaced. Your place in the world is not valued. No one is viewing your response and gaining anything. Congratulations on being a perpetuation on the dead internet theory.
I’d suggest trying harder on having a personality because as of now, the current one you have is a waste of an existence.
You’re communication style will be replaced. Your place in the world is not valued. No one is viewing your response and gaining anything. Congratulations on being a perpetuation on the dead internet theory.
wow, unintentional sunday morning art exhibit. foaming-at-the-mouth rabid and unhinged art, but art nonetheless!