Okay then, that was always allowed
Yeah this is called blowback, like with the chip sanctions, like with industrial and natural resource sanctions. Trying to besiege economies that industrially dwarf the US will make R&D spending skyrocket in the targeted states, and the remaining irreplacable western monopolies will suffer for it, US NGO+academic+corporate domination of the open source scene is something that every gadget using or programming person should hope goes away.
If you want an echo chamber that repeats Wikipedia and Google News slop back to you, Reddit is down the hall and to the right.
And yet you can’t summon even the slightest opposition to the take, only whine about how you don’t think it should exist.
Pick GDP, manufacturing output or whatever metric and look it up: Russia is not even close to the US. China is the one playing in the same league as the Americans.
As for open source being dominated by the US, the stats for Linux development don’t give that portrait at all.