2 points
Welcome to the Rule34 Community
Rule 34:
“If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.”
You know what to do.
Follow instance-wide rules and:
- Keep it civil
- Content posted MUST be rule34 content
- Have fun
- No AI
- Please indicate the gender pairing with one of the following tags in the title:
- [M] for a single male.
- [F] for a single female.
- [M/F] or [F/M] for pictures only containing straight interactions.
- [M/M] for images only containing male on male interactions.
- [F/F] for images only containing female on female interactions.
- [Bi] for images in which the characters are involved in multiple types of straight, gay and/or lesbian interactions.
- [T] or [Futa] for images containing trans or futanari interactions
- [Meta] is for discussion text posts. If deemed irrelevant, these may be removed at moderator discretion.
Please try to provide a link the source content, if possible.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for the community please feel free to message @FreezingInFuckingHell and/or @SmuttyLad
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