I see a huge potential for them to become an at risk minority. Why shouldn’t I defend a group that I think is innocent and under threat? I don’t want them to be next. Bullying of groups of people who do no harm, just want to express themselves in their own way, makes me sick.
Because being a furry is a hobby, engaging in a hobby doesn’t make you a minority.
No matter what happens, you can always stop looking at cartoon animals on the internet, can’t really stop being gay or trans.
Let’s not tolerate narrowing the spectrum of ways people can enjoy their lives. That’s what totalitarian regimes do. They prohibit this and prohibit that, and in the end, you are only allowed to watch the approved movies, listen to the approved music and wear the approved clothes. You can stop expressing yourself, you can stop engaging in your hobbies, you can stop living the way you want to live, you can survive. But it sucks all happiness from your life.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be able to do anything.
I’m just saying that equating a hobby to things people literally cannot change about these is absolutely horrible.
Going “well the transes have support but who is supporting furries” is stupid.
Yes, tons of furries are queer, this does not mean that to be a furry is to be queer, it’s a square and rectangle kinda thing.
Get your rocks off any fucking way you want but equating liking cartoon animals to being trans, while there is an active push for trans genocide world-wide is fucking disgusting.
There will never be wide persecution or institutional oppression against the tony the tiger fan club.
This reads to me a lot like “I don’t care what they do in their bedroom, but why do they have to be that way in public?”