I’m not convinced this is a valid reason. It’s really just another way of saying “because I want to”, which is still a better than tradition.
Subjective. I think it is way worse. Or “to see the world burn”, “to make humanity extinct”.
Be it a moral or technical angle, there is many worse than “because our ancestors did it this way and we still came about”.
As another commenter replied to you, you’re conflating bad outcomes with good reasons.
“To watch the world burn” is still a better reason, even if the outcome is the same, or worse.
A ‘good reason’ is a useless illusion if it doesn’t lead to good outcomes.
A good reason is not something that follows the form A->B.
Last I checked people don’t live in Plato’s abstract plane of perfection, but in the imperfect and chaotic reality. A ‘good reason’ is a terrible one if it leads you or me to ruin, period.