that’s the importance of countermessaging. harris and walz had it right for 0.0076ms with their “weird” direction, like “look how fucking weird jd vance is for wanting to do genital inspections on every kid in order to make life harder for like 40 kids nationwide, what a freak!?!” and even some conservatives were like “yeah that’s a little far we don’t need to be doing all that.” that was a really successful strategy that had great potential.
…and then they dropped that like a month before the election in favor of courting suburban conservatives. from “weird” to “follow the law.”
Sorry now every time I see someone mentioning the “weird to follow the weird laws” pipeline I get unduly agitated at how fucking hard the DNC dropped the ball this cycle. Now I’m more than surprised as ever that Hilary won the popular vote with campaign managers like these.