I was just looking at some of the recent voting data by state and one of the southwestern or Western states was only 6k votes from electing Harris. I think there were only about 100k votes total. Maybe it was Oklahoma?
I find that interesting yet hard to believe.
I tried to search for the info but Google is failing me and I’m too lazy to click a bunch of States on an interactive map.
I just have been looking at numbers on election night or something.
There’s still a lot of States that were extremely close and if it weren’t for death by a thousand cuts, then Republicans would have no chance of winning. They have to have alll the voter disenfrachising, spiking the 2020 census in blue states, and all the other dirty tricks in order to win.
It’s funny that they need all those dirty tricks when they already have the massive electoral college advantage.
And then all that pales in comparison to people not voting. Needs to be mandatory like Australia. Send in a blank ballot if you’re so against it but you will do it.