I hope they coordinate on this.
We have Mastodon Migration’s “Follow Packs”: https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/2024/11/20/mastodon-follow-pack-directory-nov-20-2024/
Dansup is working on “starter kits” for the fediverse: https://github.com/pixelfed/apska
Now Gagron’s team is working on a similar thing.
Stefan Bohucek is imperimenting with a separate version too. We’ll end up with multiple implementations of this.
The ‘Follow Packs’ are just a web directory. That’s totally different.
I have no idea what dansup is working on there, but it seems destined to be another plate he’s not going to focus on keeping spinning.
Gargon’s team is probably going to end up building something that’s off spec and idiosyncratic to Mastodon, basically guaranteeing that there are totally unrelated implementations across the fediverse.