He is asking Biden to at least advocate for imposing pressure on Israelis if it can’t do it
That’s a surprising, to me, interpretation of that comment. Can you please point out to me where the comment argued for diplomacy?
Sure. Line-by-line we venture:
Sooo…what about Gaza, Biden?
No indication of argueing for diplomacy
What about Palestine, Biden?
In conclusion: to the best of my abilities, I fail to see how this comment argues for diplomacy.
“He is asking Biden to at least advocate for imposing pressure on Israelis if it can’t do it”, so far as I can see, that tought is not present in that comment.
I’m sure if Hamas agreed to retreat 20 miles from the border they’d get the same deal
I am sure if Israel didn’t decide to invade the West bank and Gaza in 67 they would live in peace
I’m not sure if you’re joking, but if you’re not, you might want to read a little about the war you’re referencing.
Israel invaded those territories because Jordan and Egypt were using them to launch a surprise attack.
“Live in peace” is a bit subjective in your example lol
Uh… So Israel can settle it? No fucking thanks. And in the first place Gaza is only 25 miles long.
I’m sorry I have to explain this. In the case of Hezbollah, they’re agreeing to retreat to a distance from the border from where they can’t (significantly) attack Israel again. The poster I’m replying to questions why Israel can’t (be forced to) make a similar deal with Hamas. I’m using sarcasm to point to an important reason why
20 miles from the border is in the Sea… Which shows again how anything short of total annihilation of anyone question Israel supremacy seems insufficient for Israel and its supporters.
So you’re suggesting ethnic cleansing. You don’t have to say it because that’s the only possible consequence of your suggestion. Absolutely disgusting.