Similar vibes than Reddit api pricing
There was something about the i4 I just didn’t like. I think it was how it felt kind of like an m3 to me. In the sense that if all you care about is going fast, then it’s a great car, but it’s not the luxury of the 5 or 7 series, which is what I think of when I think of BMW.
I’m too old for a car like that, and don’t drive enough to justify the i5 price, so I went economical (in comparison at least) with the mach-e. It’s fun to drive, has enough gitty-up-and-go for me, and it’s comfortable.
Though I got reeeeeeally close to saying fuck it and getting the i5.
I’m waiting for the price on used i5s to drop a bit before I trade my car in for one. Since they’re only a year old, they’re still super pricy. i4 is a bit small for me if I have people in the back.
The 530e is pretty perfect for me in the meantime. Only 20 mile range on full electric, but that works pretty perfectly for me since I can charge at home and at work. On longer trips I can still burn dinosaurs, but I only fill the tank up a few times per year. I think I’ve put gas in it 6 times this year, and that includes a couple ~3 hour trips.
I’ve thought about Tesla, but there’s so much I don’t like about them.