Meh. Pseudo-wisdom.
The wealthy rule with or without your information. They did just fine before the advent of scraping every data point about you off the internet, your phone, or card swipe. Your info today is just another datapoint in some company’s portfolio to be bought and sold.
Authoritarian governments get that way to protect wealth and power. It’s not your personal information that matters as much as what you say that matters. If you cannot be safe in expressing dissent and keep that private, then you’ve lost.
Information is an obscenely valuable resource and information asymmetry decides wars.
Yeah, tactical information. Locations of troops, resources, roads, bridges, opposition location, etc etc.
Not what I bought at the store.
Let’s not conflate the two.
All information is tactical information. Every bit of additional information strengthens control.
Knowing what every citizen buys from the store is an authoritarian government’s wet dream.