To be fair, we Americans liked air power to do most of the heavy lifting in basically all jobs in WWII.
FDR didn’t understand what air power would do in the war, but his decision to prioritize air power over everything else reaped enormous benefits to the antifascist forces.
To be fair, we Americans liked air power to do most of the heavy lifting in basically all jobs in WWII.
Reminds me of a WW2 joke.
If you can’t tell the identity of an infantry squad, fire a few rounds over their heads.
If they respond by a loud URRAAAAAHHHH and rapidly approaching submachinegun fire, they’re Soviet.
If they respond with rapid, accurate rifle fire, they’re British.
If they respond with immediate machinegun chatter, they’re German.
If there’s no response, and then five minutes later your position is obliterated by air strikes and artillery fire, they were American.