Tim Walz is a sociopath? He’s who I’m defending. I didn’t write a single nice thing about the CEO, only that his death likely devastated his family and politicians should be respectful for the sake of his loved ones.
The hundreds of thousands that have suffered severely or died because of the conscious decision he made to deny healthcare just so he could rake in millions of dollars from those decisions also had families.
tIM wAlZ iS a SoCiOpAtH?¿??
Lol the fuck outta here with your bad faith horseshit, you damn clownshow.
Bullshit. You were absolutely talking about the CEO, and trying to retcon it only makes you look dishonest and weak.
Please point to the comment where I wrote anything at all good about the CEO. All I said is that I have empathy for his family and loved ones, and I think that politicians should be compassionate around his death for the sake of his family.
It’s cool if we disagree, but don’t misrepresent me.