Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was fatally shot in a premeditated attack outside the New York Hilton Midtown before speaking at an investor conference.
The gunman, still at large, fired multiple times, leaving shell casings marked with the words “deny,” “defend,” and “depose.”
Authorities suggest Thompson was targeted but remain unclear on the motive. His wife confirmed prior threats against him.
Analysts speculate a possible vendetta tied to his company. The case raises questions about executive security, as Thompson lacked personal protection despite known risks.
It’s like you are having a different conversation from the other person.
Them, repeatedly: These conditions will create people desperate enough to take measures into their own hands, like we’ve just seen.
You: Well it won’t work. And I’m going to provide a logical example of where similar things have failed.
Them: I’m saying these are the conditions that create the sorts of acts we’ve just seen. People are or are becoming desperate enough that the possible futility of their actions won’t be a factor.
You: Well those acts will fail. Ever hear about…
People who are desperate enough to take these actions aren’t weighing their decisions against historical record, or against any concern for any rational assessment of success. The point is that we’ve reached the point where people are desperate enough to take these actions, and the level of desperation being felt at large is unlikely to decrease during the next four years at least.
Here’s the main reason I worry about people taking direct action.
Blackwater et al.
If you think that companies run and staffed by ex-CIA operatives don’t have a plan to capitalize on civil unrest, you haven’t been paying attention.
My dude, my point is you are arguing against a viewpoint that has not been expressed.
Here’s the main reason I worry about people taking direct action.
So, this isn’t a thread about direct action?
Because gunning someone down seems pretty direct to me.