It wasn’t murder though. It was self defense/defence of the innocent.
If someone was actively on a homicidal rampage, blood still on their hands as they sprint to kill more innocent people, it wouldn’t be murder to stop them even with lethal means.
This guy is responsible for thousands of deaths, and showed no indication he was going to stop. Killing him alone doesn’t stop all the innocent deaths, but if it gives is peers reason to pause their own murderous rampages, even briefly, that alone could save many people.
I’m not signing for a murderer, I’m simping for a goddamn hero.
If it was self defence then they should have surrendered instead of fleeing.
You mean surrender to a group of violent murderous thugs whose whole job is to protect the murderous slavers that are our ruling class?
What an absolutely insane take. The USA willingly subjects itself to the system that created people like that CEO, the system that regularly denies healthcare on arbitrary bureaucratic terms like some kind of cthonic lottery, and you sit there saying the obvious solution is to start gunning people down in the street as if it were the perfectly reasonable response?
Well good luck, you couldn’t even get a fifth of a percentile of people to file an appeal after their lives were ruined, good luck trying to get them to organize a resistance.