That’s how I understand it, as well. Muslims hold Jesus in high regard as a holy prophet, and even have more stories about miracles he performed that aren’t in the New Testament. But he’s not considered the Messiah.
I know I heard somewhere that the name Jesus shows up more in the Koran than it does in the Bible.
Jeebus wasn’t in the Old Testament so that’s half the book (idk if it’s half by volume) without that character.
Well yes but don’t let the Bible literalists hear you say that, haha. They still consider Isaiah to be the fifth gospel and Daniel to be referencing him.
The NT is smaller than the OT and the letters of Paul (pretend that he wrote all of them which he didn’t) make up over half of it. Paul does talk about Jesus but a lot of it was in the form of an entire page with one mention of the man by name, plus all the other stuff like how church should be run. With that and Acts+Revelations we pretty much exhaust all the chances of Jesus showing up.