Bugs, beans, whatever. That’s not the point.
Feel free to feel good about saving all that planet.
Oops some billionaire’s megayacht just dumped more CO2 in the atmosphere in a day than you banked by eating beans for the past decade.
But yeah, more beans please.
Also, 'people like men talk about bugs because that’s what the elite is working hard trying to manufacture that delicious bug eating consent
I will, and i will also feel good about not assaulting children even though there are people out there slaughtering droves of them.
So your evidence for this grand elite conspiracy is one article from the new York post. Tell me what’s the advertising budget for crickets, or if you’ve ever even seen an ad for crickets? Cause the advertising budget for Tyson foods alone is over $200 million . That’s just the industry itself, that doesn’t include restaurants like McDonald’s etc. That are also pushing you to buy meat. Tyson foods alone also lobbies the government to the tune of $2.8 million. The big money is not trying to get you to eat crickets, it’s trying to get you to eat meat.
Man you’re still missing the whole point of my argument just because I said bugs, huh?
Your brain that starved for real protein? Try meat.
Ah, name calling, the last refuge of bad takes.
If the whole point of your argument is that you’re absolved of the bad things you do because there’s someone out there doing worse things at a greater scale, then I have addressed it multiple times with the analogy showing that’s not how ethics work. You haven’t addressed the analogy or shown how it’s different.
So tell me why don’t you just go around pushing kids over for fun?, there’s people out there doing way worse to a lot more kids.
Why shouldn’t you just litter and throw your trash in the river?, there are a lot of companies out there dumping way more into that river, your bag of trash is a drop in the bucket.
If you follow this logic of “theres a worse guy out there so my relatively minor transgressions are fine” then you just become a scumbag . Yeah, you’re not evil, but society would be a lot better without you.