Someone said he was in a surfing accident and needed pins/plates put in his back. His profile ( shows an X-ray of a back that’s had surgery done on it.
He’s 26 and just come off his parents’ healthcare. [Except his family is wealthy, so I’m not sure if this one is relevant or not.]
This, also, just because he may have had good coverage to do the surgery, stuff like that can have lifelong consequences that can need routine, expensive, medical care, for years, if not the rest of your life. Even if they are getting care, their insurance, even “good” insurance, could have denied much better therapy, for the cheaper route, which will have a major negative impact.
It is too early to be making up our minds about this arrest, this guy, etc. However, just because your parents have money, doesn’t mean you can escape the evils of the private healthcare system.
Doesn’t his family own nursing homes and other businesses? Shouldn’t that be wealthy enough for healthcare? You would think there are some connections to the medical sector there as well.
Nursing homes are typically run poorly because they’re in a position that has a hard max on profit. Medicare pays what it pays and that is all. Unlike a hospital which can just make things up and charge whatever, alongside pricy elective surgeries, nursing homes have settled into their x Medicare $$ for each patient.
So while there is profit it won’t be anywhere near the profit of a hospital.