I mean, for one I was talking about the designs of the creatures and the specific ball mechanic/theme, but also Pokémon came out before Digimon anyway.
Lemmy is the wrong place to mention Nintendo. You will get obliterated by people.
I don’t mind. It’s no different than Reddit, people see downvotes and just pile on. No room for discussion, no thoughtful discourse, just hive mind.
I don’t remember the vitriol being as consistent on reddit. On a larger scale here, if it’s a computer, it needs to be Linux or you’re downvoted. If it’s video games, it needs to be a PC or they don’t want to hear about it. Even Steam that was generally loved on Reddit gets some flack, because GOG is more DRM free from what I can tell (I don’t game on PCs)
Brother, you made a stupid comment. You didn’t read the article and you don’t know why the lawsuit is happening. Literally all of your comments are irrelevant to the discussion — you can’t hide behind it’s the hivemind!
Gen 1 Pokemon designs were straight rips of Dragon Quest monsters.
Arguably the Poke ball mechanic first appeared in anime such as Dragon Ball, Im not sure on any games predating Pokemon, but if they had patented it with the first games release it would have expired by now.
Nintendo will pull off some bullshit but they really shouldn’t have a leg to stand on.
How was Dragon Ball similar to pokeballs and their catching mechanics? I’m not seeing that similarity at all.
Never seen any comparisons between Dragon Quest and Pokémon. Do you have examples?
The anime one will be harder to source clips but I do recall creatures being released as ‘energy’ then forming quickly from thrown objects. Will need to get back to you on that one!
They might be referring to CapsuleCorp’s capsules. They would store big things in tiny capsules, much like Poke balls work. I don’t recall people or monsters ever being store in them, nor do I remember things forcibly being put into them at all. It’s possible this was bigger on Dragon Ball, as a kid I was more familiar with Dragon Ball Z.