Unfortunately, GOG does not offer a client for Linux that you can use.
You can use any of the following game clients on Linux:
• Lutris
• Heroic Games Launcher
• BottlesI found Lutris to be the easiest, and quickest to be able to run a Windows-exclusive GOG game on Linux. So, let me start with it…
I found Lutris to be a complete pain. GOG Galaxy in Bottles and Heroic Games Launcher have been much better.
I have been using Lutris but I am always happy to learn! Do you know a good guide you could point me towards to get started with Galaxy in Bottles?
This has the process:
It’s pretty much install bottles>>create bottle>>click on install programs>>GOG Galaxy
That said I’ve just started using Heroic Games Launcher and I think I prefer that. Granted I haven’t done too much with it yet.