amazing to watch American right-wingers flounder at the incredibly obvious questions from UK media guys, even Piers fucking Morgan on a podcast
Morgan - as a fellow right winger - asks Thiel about Mangione quoting Thiel
watch Thiel melting in the excruciating video clip
But then the budget version, compare the always dry looking Bryan (spends millions) to fellow longlivitity fanatic but moist looking budget Dave
Is this longlivitity muppet creepy or wet?
@Amoeba_Girl @dgerard the hair is fooling nobody
It’s so weird, there’s all these photos on the internet of him looking like an authentic human jerk and then here we are. A financial entity in a patchy flesh suit. Motherfucker made it straight from Silicon Valley to uncanny valley.
every so often, gear techs involved with filming interviews can do silently heroic things
I don’t know if this is a case of that, but given the skin shine from reflections, whoever set this up wasn’t trying overly hard to make him look good. good on 'em