Dial up connections on my compac persario. Using aol chats for trading nude pics of pamela anderson or Cindy crawford. Pictures took about 5-10 mins to down load. Sending phishing emails to other AOL email to get them to send their credentials. Being online and some one calls your phone line and kicks you off the internet. Using network drives to cheat in class download music on napster on the school T1 line. Net send commands to your pals in class. I miss the 90’s!
Aww, this brought up a fond nineties memory.
I got busted installing Shit Talker (1.2 by Jaundice!) on all of the computers in the economics classroom and scheduling them to disparage the economics teacher throughout the day. In my defense, he was an idiot.
I was banned from using any school computers for the remaining two years of my high school career, so I built a mini-PC (using parts my dad “borrowed” from work) in a portable file box and carried it from class to class, using the school PC network connections, monitors, and peripherals.
Does anyone remember those old AOL “punter” programs and other “warez”? I wonder if anyone ever archived those… It would be kind of fun to mess with AOL 3.0 or 4.0 in a Windows 95 virtual machine, and mess with those goofy apps lol
I think about those apps everyday. You could make cool text with colors and emotes and then the darkside was also there. Kick someone from the chat was the best…lol