My entertainment experience is so much better than my friends’ because of piracy. I use torrents, and store my media and it’s made my life so great since I got into this a little over a year ago. I’ve seen shows that none of my friends have seen. Lately I’ve been into police dramas and there’s an incredible series from France called Le Bureau des Légendes, which is phenomenal. There’s one from the UK that I just finished called Line of Duty that was also great. I saw an Estonian period film that is entertaining called Apteeker Melchior – it was freeleech for a short while, so I grabbed it.
My friends who pay for Netflix, Disney+ and all the the other streaming channels watch the all same garbage TV. I can see that too, but I get access to these other amazing films and shows. I’ve not even mentioned the books, audiobooks and music.
The pirate’s life is a great life and it’s the life for me. Arrrr.
For anyone else interested in Line of Duty…
It’s a great format. 45 minutes of procedural intrigue, then a load of guys in balaclavas bust in and fuck everything up for the last quarter hour
Best part is that if you include the free space in the center it actually has the exact number of boxes for a full bingo card.
A bingo card is 5x5=25, meaning 24 squares plus the free centre. That card is 4x7=28 squares.