I’m getting back into coding and I’m going to start with python but I wanted to see what are some good IDEs to write the code. Thanks in advance.
You can already do so incredibly much by hooking up a few extra LSPs and keybinds (calling external scripts/programs)!
What I’m personally still missing though:
- Code Folding
- More refined subprocess handling, i.e. term-buffer switching or floating term (when excuting gitui via keybind for example)
- Emacs Org-Mode like context aware styling, for i.e. Bold or Italic text hints from LSP
- Font changes (restricted through terminal)
- Different Font/Line sizes for i.e. headings (restricted through terminal)
- Inline images (sixel!)
- Dedicated optional client, a-la Neovide with cursor animations (helps orientation with jumps etc.), and to alleviate the previous terminal restrictions
You can already do so incredibly much by hooking up a few extra LSPs and keybinds (calling external scripts/programs)!
Yes, agreed. But I would still love some git integration that can’t be emulated like this. For now git cli + lazygit
for more easier refinement works fine, but it’s not ideal.
Emacs Org-Mode like context aware styling, for i.e. Bold or Italic text hints from LSP
Hmm, isn’t this already the case for, like, markdown? Or what do you mean by context-aware?