Things didn’t end well for the last guy…
5 points
So damn, this is some premium quality posting right here…let’s see…what do we have?
- So we have a response that sounds like it should answer a question posed, but actually doesn’t.
- A concession that baby-muder is in fact ok as long as it fits the criteria that you seem to have decided on, then some sneaky goalpoast moving.
- “women should be required to carry rapists embryo’s to term because there’s therapy for that”…i mean…wow…that’s going in my classics list.
- Using “Innocent child” without defining what child means and ignoring all current science on the matter.
- Claiming you’re own country has the solution but not stating what it is or where.
I’m officially impressed, i knew you had something in the wings and i was rewarded for my faith.
9/10 shitpost, instant classic.