No. “That’s homophobic” and “That’s Spanish” are simply statements of fact. It’s left up to the listener whether they should continue being homophobic or speaking Spanish after it’s been pointed out. It sounds like you’ve chosen to double down on homophobia. Not the choice I’d make, but you do you. Nobodys stopping you. No es mi problema.
If you are going to be basing arguments on statements of fact your comparison should be factual.
One is subjective opinion and one is relatively objective fact ( assuming actual correctness and there not being some weird exception like a subset language or something ).
Unless you are personally the global arbiter of what is and isn’t homophobia, in which case ignore me.
Honestly? You don’t make any sense to me. Hopefully you make sense to you.
It sounds like you’ve chosen to double down on homophobia.
I’m gay. If a black person uses the N word in a joke are you as presumably Not A Black Person going to instantly assume they are racist? Or will you stop to ask why?
I’m not saying a black person can’t be racist or a gay person can’t be offensive to other people or even have latent homophobia. But as simplistic as it sounds that’s literally the basic argument here. Many straight people saying “hey thar that’s homophobic” and one gay person at least saying “nah, that’s funny” and being downvoted to hell.
But as simplistic as it sounds that’s literally the basic argument here.
The basic argument of this conversation, between the two of us, was that you claimed people were censoring you, and I pointed out that making observations or even judgement calls about what you said doesn’t prevent you from saying it. Absolutely no one is stopping you from saying whatever you want. I don’t think anyone even tried to. I sure didn’t.
If you want to turn it into “well I’m gay so I can say homophobic things without judgement, like black people saying the n-word” you’ll have to do it alone because I have no interest in participating in that discussion.