You mistake me for a centrist, and that I am not. You mistake me as a fan of Biden, and that too I am not
Yes, we definitely need so much more. We’re not going to get it if we shit on any and every single piece of good news. We’re just going to end up with people too burnt out to do anything. Take the small wins and use them as motivate to build for much larger change we need
A lot of activists put work to make those changes. I am defending the activists and people who put the work in and got wins that no one acknowledges
In history, it’s almost always been the people like that who get change through even with imperfect and flawed people. Lincoln didn’t decide to free enslaved people on his own. He only opposed its expansion and even at that he was quite weak on it. He was willing to give much of that up to stop the civil war at first. But he was closer to the goal of abolitionists and they worked hard to get him to change his tune. Fredrick Douglas is often the classic example of that. He was pissed by Lincoln, called him the “white man’s president” and kept speaking with him in the hopes that he’d actually do what he said he would do and go beyond it
They eventually started to get concessions even if for frustrating reasons. They needed more union soliders and so they convinced to make a mostly symbolic gesture of the emancipation proclamation. It only freed enslaved people when the union regained land. It didn’t free any of the enslaved people behind union lines
But it got the ball rolling, now the union was in a more of a moral fight rather than just trying to keep the union together. Even though the win was small and nowhere need what needed it started shifting how the Union had to appear to itself and to other countries. It eventually ended up leading to the 13th, 14th, and 15th ammendments
It’s easy to find fault in anything. It’s much harder to build that change. I encourage you to find some route to change that’s productive and build something with it