When Joy checks into a London hotel in 2024, she opens a secret doorway to the Time Hotel — discovering danger, dinosaurs and the Doctor. But a deadly plan is unfolding across the Earth, just in time for Christmas.
Written by: Steven Moffat
Directed by: Alex Pillai
It’s just pandering
True. But let me share an experience that may make it more palatable.
I was raised in a faith, and occasional pandering by excellent science fiction authors made a tremendous difference in my life.
Moments of connection from scifi to concepts of faith, and respect from scifi toward the faith I was raised in - made science fiction accessible to me at a time when it might not otherwise have been, and my life is so much better for it.
For me, a few such bits of pandering were exactly the little steps I needed here and there to introduce me to a more inclusive, better, approach to the world.
My favorite atheists have found ways to share their perspective - as a gift - with the religious. As a recipient of that gift - to me, it is amazing and beautiful.
I wouldn’t be who I am - and I’m frankly delightful - without the loving and clever choices by some loving and clever atheists - in how they shared their world view with people raised as I was.
Thanks for that perspective! I needed the reminder that as much as religion v science is a conflict, there is also the chance of changing minds on either side.
I still think the scene in question is a sharp turn for Who, which I see as largely secular, but I may rewatch it more kindly after your reply.
With kind regards to the generous atheists who helped shape you — stay delightful!