Fingers and toes crossed, get’em for every last penny!
luck is not gonna help. Only action and organizing can save us. Join a union too.
Oh, I would if I lived in a place which had such movements, believe me… As it is, all I can do is wish for Lady Luck to smile upon those who have the chance! Sure, it’s a bad idea to bank everything on luck, but it can never hurt to have some on your side!
where do you live? The tech workers movement is reaching pretty much everywhere there’s tech production.
True, but for those of us laid off in the past couple years and spent months looking for a new job, I’m not really super eager to stick my head out and rock the boat.
This was the hardest job search I’ve had to do, even as far as multiple rounds of leetcode, and kind of reminds me of how annoying finding my first dev job as a recent grad. Not really looking to do that again any time soon lol
Though if my company tries to RTO us, it’ll be a constructive dismissal for me (I spoke with a lawyer already before) and then I’ll have to job search again anyway.
We probably won’t get RTO’d though, we’ve been doing WFH for years here thankfully.