I don’t think I’ve heard any European say this about American junk/fast food even once.
About the only thing I think I’ve heard in regards to flavor is “sickeningly sweet” and “even stuff that’s not supposed to be sweet is sweet”.
Yeah, if anything it is known for sugar in everything that’s not supposed to be sweet and corn syrup where you’d expect normal sweetness from sugar. And absurdly large portions.
Personally I have only tried some of the more “famous” sweets such as twinkies and reecies or whatever it’s called, and I found both disgusting. The former are just weirdly greasy cake dough filled with teeth hurtingly sweet goop, so intense you can’t taste anything else. And the other made me gag after just a small bite and was entirely too sticky for my taste.
I also tried imported “original” Mac and cheese and that stuff was just repulsive too. Weirdly bland and the consistency of snot.
Why do europeans insist on eating the worst american foods? Twinkies barely count as a food they’re like 99% preservatives
Well, that’s what your pop culture tells us Americans like to eat.
So the thought process is something like “I really dont care for instant foods available here, but the Americans reference it all the time sometimes even as a kitchen staple. So maybe they have that shit figured out” and then you try it and get results such as mine.
It also doesn’t help that I can’t go to an actual American restaurant, you know, being a continent away and all. Best I can do is maccas or Burger king, not even the chains you got over there that are supposedly good. If you’re lucky there is a pizza hut in a major city