Plebbit is a selfhosted, opensource, nonprofit social media protocol, this project was created due to wanting to give control of communication and data back to the people.
Plebbit only hosts text. Images from google and other sites can be linked/embedded in posts. This fixes the issue of hosting any nefarious content.
ENS domain are used to name communities.
Plebbit currently offers different UIs. Old reddit and new reddit, 4chanw, andhave a Blog. Plebbit intend to have an app, internet archive, wiki and twitter and Lemmy. Choice is important. The backend/communities are shared across clients.
“The whole DNS system is a complete scam” says the person advocating for crypto and NFTs
I mean, that’s the one thing he is right about. Also, it’s far from being secure. I somehow made the DNS system break someday, as I was able to “buy” an already-registered domain. The domain ownership was overriden and the original owner couldn’t do anything. I have not been able to replicate the bug on any other target, but understanding the bug and finding an exploit is basically unlocking god-mode on 99% of computers as you can mitm all you want with this
I somehow made the DNS system break someday, as I was able to “buy” an already-registered domain
This could happen on a blockchain, as well. All it takes is to control a majority of the miners. One reason I laugh when people claims btc or other ponzicoins are “distributed”, since most miners are controlled by China at the moment.
Imagine you buy a cheap domain name for $0.99 a year from namecheap to be or something
Next year they ask for $19.99 because they can. If you set up an account with that name you can either pay more or have to change accounts
Why can’t we just buy domain names for like 30 year periods?
Why can’t we just buy domain names for like 30 year periods?
You can. I think ICANN has agreed to limit it to 10 year maximum, to reduce domain squatting, though.
This is a HUGE problem in the IT sector… A lot of folks come up with “new, better, and more agile” systems for core tech, like DNS. What they fail to account for are all the lessons learned, and problems solved over the decades the system has been in use, and fail to understand a lot of the “complications” stem from people being complicated.
That’s the problem, I want a personal domain like name.person for the rest of my life. I don’t want it to expire and have to pay extortion rates for my email address