Has everyone read that coverage on the OnlyFans model that had sex with 100 men in under 24h?

I found it a bit disturbing. By her own admission, it was taxing (I’m calling it damaging), physically and mentally, but regardless, she has set her goal to have sex with 1000 men next.

This led me to think, taking this stunt approach out of the picture, if you found an ad looking for participants to achieve a sexual prowess, would you participate in it?

Here are the rules for the scenario I came up.

Some person has set their mind on having sex with 3000 people. May be a woman, may be a man, may be any other in between. Doesn’t matter.

They have set the goal to meet those people throughout an entire year. They want to get to know the people they’ll be having fun with.

There is no money involved, perhaps a home cooked meal at their place, a glass of wine… those are details to be set case to case.

There will be a guest book to sign, at entrance. With a number at the beginning of the line where you will be signing.

You may be the only person for that day, the first, the third or the last. And you will know.

It can be one on one, threesome, perhaps foursome, but no gangbangs.

This isn’t about just penetration but about commiting one or two hours of your life to truly have sex with another human being. Orgasms will be had, linens will be soiled.

This will take years to achieve and you may have to wait your turn. At the end, there will be an after party.

Would you do it?

I wouldn’t.

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5 points

Lawyer and CEO of OnlyFans Keily Blair, who says her feminism informs how she carries out her job, argues the site empowers women by offering them an ‘inclusive, safe, and innovative platform’


3 points

The women on the platform are free to do as they choose with their lives. That is not the point in question here.

0 points

There’s a non zero amount that are coerced or otherwise not doing only fans as a free choice, but that’s not what is being discussed here.

1 point

That same applies to any adult content, involving performers.

That is why I find myself less and less atracted towards it and instead prefer writen erotica. At least there, in an imaginary world, no actual suffering is imposed. Even Sade wrote his works more like cautionary tales rather than erotica.


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