LOL!!! What an idiot for not already coming across this worldwide news, but also, her husband, children, parents - no one shared their concern about her flying into an evacuation zone, hey, maybe you shouldn’t go there right now???
I absolutely LOVE this for her. She is so, so vapid and clueless, and now it is on clear display
Her " important" self came first. She risked going for what…another shitty photoshoot?
I love this lmfao. I hope her delayed flight is even more delayed or canceled. Imagining her big lips, white hair, and clueless demeanor sitting at LAX with no idea what is going on or what to do and no one paying attention to her is hilarious
I’m sure she will spend the next 3 days making the fires all about her and will be mourning her plans and the grief will be palpable…she will find such a connection with those who lost everything because she too lost… her plans…and then she will lose her pants for some nontent and her life will go on.
What a complete idiot. This isn’t new. It’s been happening for quite some time now. Maybe if her doom scrolling involved more of worldly news, opposed to corn, she would know that. I don’t follow any news outlets, but it still reached my FYP on both TT and IG. Just proves time and time again how tone deaf and one note she really is. She offers no value
It also shows everyone around her is as much an idiot as she is and doesn’t know what’s going on in the world.
Who cares. No one is concerned about your safety getting home. Why did you even go dummy?!?!
That pretty much sums it up😂 I’m sure these winds have scared her zero ability to cope self right on out of here. In my 40+ years living here I have never experienced the Santa Ana winds this strong. Non-stop rolling howling waves of 50mph gusts all night long. Thought my house was going to wizard of oz me right on out of here. It’s no Canadian winter but there is something historically eerie about these winds and they are typically accompanied by the glow and scents and flame of wildfires. It’s a whole uncomfortable weird vibe. Everyone is just a bit off and a general malaise hangs about.