Clearly it’s not a place to try and defend America. The mod is probably a tankie dick, but you’re the one who went into their space.
OP is not even defending (or accusing) USA in that thread. Their only comment there is
> The US is is an authoritarian state.
> If you disagree too loudly I will instaban you.
They’re only highlighting the mod’s hypocrisy. Everything else is assumption.
And the deal applies to the user that the mod is screeching at:
That couldn’t be more of a strawman even if he was with a lion, a Kansas girl and a tin man on a yellow brick road
Even if you agree that USA is authoritarian (IDK if the user in question does), the argument in the OOP is bloody idiotic, it’s on the same level as “2+2=7 lol thus whales don’t fly lmao”. And it is a strawman because it mischaracterises why people say that China is authoritarian.
What hypocrisy? It’s not called AntiAuthority.
It’s idiotic in that it ignores Xi’s 50 years of being involved in the party, and the power he’s head since before he was Gen sec. I wouldn’t call it a strawman, although it’s a pretty selective interpretation.
What hypocrisy? It’s not called AntiAuthority.
The mod is denouncing authoritarianism from a government, while being themself authoritarian. It is hypocrisy.
And, even if it wasn’t hypocrisy (it is), what random@blahaj said there would be simply a false accusation against the mod. It does not imply that they’re defending USA.
It’s idiotic in that it ignores Xi’s 50 years of being involved in the party, and the power he’s head since before he was Gen sec. I wouldn’t call it a strawman, although it’s a pretty selective interpretation.
It is a strawman because it mischaracterises why people claim that China is authoritarian. It has zero to do with Xi being head of state for eight years; it has to do with the one party system, plus censorship.
(OOP could have capitalised on that to claim that USA is authoritarian, without being a strawman. They didn’t.)
Mate, they’re not a bloody fucking government themselves are they? Talk about 2+2=7 alright…
And it’s not a strawman, it’s not in response to anyone. It’s at blurst whataboutism.