How many millions of users does it have? How many posts? How active are they?
You want to use the extreme end of the distribution curve and make the argument that it is close to the median case. It is not.
There are 44k monthly active users on this platform.
According to you, they only talk about American politics.
According to me, they also talk about other topics.
Another thread I open yesterday, 55 comments:
I’m providing examples and numbers to back up my claims, you use incorrect hyperboles.
The number of discussions about American politics are orders of magnitude higher than discussions about any of “other topics”. This is more than enough to justify the use of hyperbole.
Nobody is denying that discussions over American politics are very active.
Thankfully, those communities can be blocked.
On top of that, ! added a new rule against US politics questions, so new questions are about anything else.
Random post from yesterday, 158 comments