I use a Linux distro with kde, so I have a lot of customization available. I like trying other distros in VMs, but stuff like windows (no need to copy really kde is similar by default) and Mac is a pain in the ass to use that way. so, I want to know what your os does that you think I should copy using kde’s customization. I’m looking for Mac in particular (bc I haven’t used it before) but any OS or desktop environment is fair game.
- super+u shows a wofi menu allowing me to fuzzy find a credential from my password manager and copy its username
- super+p same thing but for passwords
- super+o same thing but for TOTP codes
- super+t allows me to select an area of the screen, take a screenshot, run it through OCR, translate it to English via the deepl API, and then pop up the result as a desktop notification and also copy it to the clipboard. (I’m not fluent in the language of the country I live in)
- ”lock” and „request” based suspend management, so my backup scripts or other long running jobs can keep the computer from sleeping until they are done.
Grim, slurp, tesseract, and apparently the deepl SDK for Ruby? That was an interesting choice, younger me.
#! /bin/zsh
# Select an area of the screen, Screenhot, OCR, and translate it to english.
temp_image=$(mktemp --suffix '.png')
grim -g "$(slurp)" "$temp_image"
# DPI of 120 seems to work OK for screenshots.
source_text=$(tesseract "$temp_image" - --dpi 120 -l pol+deu)
translated_text=$(~/scripts/translate "$source_text")
wl-copy $translated_text
notify-send 'Translation: ' "$translated_text" --expire-time=60000 --category 'translation'
rm $temp_image
Translate script:
#! /bin/ruby
require_relative 'deepl_request'
puts Translator::DeeplRequest
.new(ARGV.join ' ')
This script is a bit hacky and one-off, I wouln’t just copy-paste it.